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Heart Arrhythmia

·Heart arrhythmia (also known as Dysrhythmia) refers to an abnormal heart rate or rhythm (slower than 60 beats per minute or faster than 100 beats per minute) and occurs anywhere in the atrium and ventricle. In contrary to the normal physiological response, the heart beats abnormally faster, slows down, or beats irregularly.

·Heart arrhythmia causes the heart not to fill and contract efficiently to pump enough blood to the body and may also lead to serious complications such as stroke.

·There are various Heart arrhythmia need to pacemaker treatment including Supraventricular tachycardia (arrhythmia originating above the ventricles), Ventricular tachycardia (rapid, irregular heart rate that originates with abnormal electrical signals in the ventricles), Ventricular fibrillation (rapid, chaotic electrical impulses cause the ventricles to quiver ineffectively), Long QT syndrome (a heart disorder that carries an increased risk of fast, chaotic heartbeats), Sick sinus syndrome (scarring near the sinus node that's slowing or disrupting the travel of impulses), Conduction block (A block of heart's electrical pathways that occurs in or near the AV node).

·More than 2 million people experience Heart arrhythmia a year in the UK. In a research with 502,627 adults (median age 58 years) 2.35% had a baseline rhythm abnormality and the prevalence increased to 4.84% with age of 65 to 73 years.

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